July 27, 2024


2 min read

In light of the alarming rise in moral decadence and the devastating impact of drug abuse on our community, we are pleased to welcome all Youths and Stakeholders to the upcoming Multi-Stakeholders Conference on Drug Abuse Reduction. This conference aims to foster a collaborative effort among citizens, experts, and community leaders to address this pressing issue and create a healthier, safer environment for all.

Drug abuse has reached critical levels in our society, affecting individuals of all ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and communities. The consequences extend far beyond the individual user, infiltrating families, schools, workplaces, and public spaces. It is imperative that we come together as a community and take collective action to combat this destructive trend.

The Multi-Stakeholders Conference on Drug Abuse Reduction serves as a platform to facilitate knowledge sharing, engage in meaningful discussions, and devise comprehensive strategies to tackle the root causes and effects of drug abuse. By uniting citizens, community organizations, healthcare professionals, law enforcement agencies, educators, and policymakers, we can create a powerful force dedicated to implementing effective prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation programs.

This conference will provide a unique opportunity for attendees to:

1. Gain Insight: Acquire a deeper understanding of the societal impact of drug abuse, including its connection to moral decadence, and explore the latest research findings on effective prevention and treatment approaches.

2. Collaborate: Engage in dialogue with fellow citizens, community leaders, and experts to share experiences, perspectives, and best practices in addressing drug abuse-related issues.

3. Empower: Learn about available resources, support networks, and initiatives aimed at raising awareness, supporting affected individuals and families, and creating a drug-free community.

4. Advocate: Participate in constructive discussions on policy development, law enforcement strategies, and the implementation of evidence-based interventions to combat drug abuse effectively.

By joining forces, we can make a significant impact on our community’s well-being and create a brighter future for generations to come. Your participation and active involvement in the Multi-Stakeholders Conference on Drug Abuse Reduction are crucial in shaping the direction of our collective efforts.

We invite concerned citizens, community organizations, government representatives, healthcare professionals, educators, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to attend this conference and contribute their unique perspectives and expertise. Together, let us build a resilient community where drug abuse is no longer a menace to be feared but is greatly reduced and where individuals can thrive, free from the shackles of addiction.

Conference Details:
Date: Wednesday,12th Of July 2023
Time: 10:00 am
Venue: St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Gbaja-Surulere, Lagos.

For more information and Directions for the conference pls contact:
+234 803 068 8415
+234 805 816 9748
+234 803 856 8561

O. Sobowale

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