July 27, 2024

FBNQuest Trustees Holds 6th Annual Islamic Estate Planning Clinic

3 min read

FBNQuest Trustees, a subsidiary of FBN Holdings, which provides Trust solutions to individuals, corporate and government institutions, partnered with the Metropolitan Law firm to host the 6th Islamic Estate Planning Clinic which took place in Abuja recently. The event was designed to enlighten individuals on the importance of Estate Planning in accordance with Islamic law.

L-R: Head, Marketing and Business Development at FBNQuest Trustees, Babajide Fetuga; Managing Partner at Metropolitan Law Firm, Ummahani Amin; Senior Vice President/ Business Head, Northern Region, Abimbola Ajinibi; and Head, Private Trust at FBNQuest Trustees, Rotimi Obende at the recently held Islamic Estate Planning Clinic in Abuja.

The recent event hosted an interactive panel discussion by experts on philanthropy and Islamic estate planning. The experts examined key issues related to Sadaqah, Zakat, and Waqf and how to maximise their impact while upholding Islamic principles. The speakers also talked about the significance of charitable giving as a means of fulfilling religious obligations and achieving social justice within Islamic teachings. They emphasised the importance of aligning philanthropic objectives with individual goals and community needs to create a lasting legacy of impact.

L-R: Professor at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Prof. Dogarawa Ahmad; Relationship Manager at FBNQuest Trustees, Mutiat Olatunji; Metropolitan Law firm, Barrister, Mohammed Yunsua; and Senior Vice President/ Team Lead Northern Hub, FBNQuest Asset Management Aisha Wanka during the panelist session at the recently held Islamic Estate Planning Clinic in Abuja.

The session focused on the rapid technological advancement, the role of blockchain in technology, smart contracts, and the evolving landscape of estate planning. It emphasized the need to understand technology and identify best practices for leveraging online platforms to connect, facilitate personalized estate plans, enhance trust, security, and fairness in multi-generational wealth transfer, particularly in the context of Shariah-compliant practices. Managing digital assets, providing remote legal services, boosting online education, and raising awareness were highlighted as key factors in preserving wealth across borders. The comprehensive presentation delved into these digital frontiers and strategies for leveraging digital tools and platforms to navigate the complexities of inheritance laws while upholding Islamic principles.

L-R: Relationship Manager at FBNQuest Trustees, Mutiat Olatunji; Chairperson, Better Life Program for the African Rural Women, Aisha Babangida; Head, Marketing and Business Development at FBNQuest Trustees, Babajide Fetuga; Managing Partner at Metropolitan Law Firm, Ummahani Amin; Senior Vice President/ Business Head, Northern Region, Abimbola Ajinibi; and Head, Private Trust at FBNQuest Trustees, Rotimi Obende at the recently held Islamic Estate Planning Clinic in Abuja.

The panel discussion featured industry experts such as Professor Dogarawa Ahmad, Professor at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; Aisha Wanka, Team Lead Northern Hub, FBNQuest Asset Management; Mutiat Olatunji, Relationship Manager, FBNQuest Trustees; Dr Umar Bebeji, Senior Lecturer at Ahmadu Bello University, Zariah; Rotimi Obende, Head, Private Trust, FBNQuest Trustees, and Ismail Rufai, Head, Financial & Shari’ah Advisory, One17 Capital Limited. The event was themed ‘Securing and Preserving Your Legacy’.

Speaking on the theme of this year’s event, Adekunle Awojobi, Managing Director/CEO, FBNQuest Trustees duly represented by Babajide Fetuga, Head of Marketing and Business Development, FBNQuest Trustees, emphasized the significance of Islamic estate planning in ensuring the security of your legacy. He stated that the preservation of your legacy is crucial in understanding the actual value, as your legacy is not just material possessions but also reflects the impact we have made on the people around us and the values that we uphold. Therefore, we must safeguard it with a deeper sense of purpose and commitment.

It is important to include wealth transfer in your Islamic estate planning to preserve your wealth and assets. Wealth transfer is a versatile and effective solution for securing the prosperity of your future heirs and leaving a lasting financial legacy for generations to come. It is crucial to seek professional advice when establishing a plan for wealth transfer to ensure that it is carefully considered and expertly guided. He also highlighted the importance of

seeking professional advice to leverage this powerful tool for preserving your wealth and protecting your assets.

FBNQuest Trustees remains committed to pioneering conversations such as this and providing quality information and platforms to guide Nigerians in accruing assets without compromising their faith or values, he added.

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